Saturday, 15 November 2014

See you in 2015....

This is my last post as Amanda in a Teacup...admittedly I haven't blogged that much for a long time on here but I have enjoyed writing this blog and I'd like to thank those of you that follow me...

BUT it's time for a change and I've got some very exciting things up my sleeve which I will be sharing with you in the New Year and I can't wait!!! 

Hope to see you in 2015 x

Saturday, 4 October 2014


As you might have seen I did not blog for the whole of September and this was due to my work life (I don't yet work in a creative role full time) becoming very very busy and stressful. I find as an illustrator that I can usually maintain a generally constant state of being creative until I get run down or mega stressed...then it becomes a case of me feeling like WHAT! I'VE FORGOTTEN HOW TO DRAW, WHY ARE MY HANDS NOT WORKING, I'M SHIT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH... 

You get the idea...

Anyway that's what happened in September...and it took until I was ill this week with a really bad cold for me to realise just how burnt out I was with everything and how off track I had gotten with my illustration. SO I was mega pleased when I stumbled across Inktober!!! 

Inktober is a challenge where you have to complete an inked drawing every day for the month of October, it's a good way of being disciplined and getting into good habits of regular drawing. It was exactly what I was looking for and needed!! 

I will be posting my illustrations on my Instagram and Facebook are my drawings for days 1, 2 and 3...

Amanda x

Friday, 29 August 2014


So this has been a pretty trying week in some ways, the upside seems to be that I can't stop drawing which is a good thing...if you follow me on Instagram you will have seen that I was inspired to draw a print based on a necklace that my nan gave me in the's something I wear everyday and is affectionately known as the 'amulet of the 90s' (don't ask)...

The Amulet of the 90s

This is the print that I came up with tonight, as you can see I've stayed pretty true to the necklace. I used a Copic Multi Liner 0.1 , Faber and Castell PITT pen in S and a Uni Pin Fine Line in 0.05 to draw this on Windsor and Newton Heavy Weight Medium Surface Cartridge Pad. 

I was mostly listening to Katy Perry when I was drawing this...bit of a curve ball music wise for you there. Don't worry I'll be back to the heavy stuff tomorrow.

Hope you all have a good weekend...
Amanda x 

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Anchor Flash Tattoo Illustration...

I was messing around with my Promarkers tonight and decided to draw this traditional style flash tattoo illustration, I haven't drawn anything like this for a while and I'm a bit rusty with my Promarker blending but I had a lot of fun drawing it. 

I used the following promarkers to create this:

Forest Green , Green Shoot, Marsh Green, Lipstick Red, Red, Heatwave,Ginger, Starfish, Ice Grey 4, Ice Grey 1, Cool Grey 5, Cool Grey 4....

I was mostly listening to Pup 'Reservoir' whilst working on this drawing and eating a lot of white chocolate...

Amanda x

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Wolf v Shark

I keep setting myself challenges with my drawing, with this piece it was all about working on a larger scale....I also wanted to draw something a bit different to my usual style. So I went for this shark and wolf fighting, both pretty significant animals to me...random but hey that's ok  

I drew this on Bristol Board, which is a really smooth high quality drawing paper using a Staedtler pigment liner in 0.1.

This took a really long time to finish and it utilises a lot of different line and dot work techniques, you can see in the following pictures some of the detail...

I mostly listened to Bring Me the Horizon's Sempiternal whilst I was working on this drawing...

Amanda x

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

God Damn week so far...

On Tuesday night I was very lucky as Jimi took me to see one of my favourite bands Pulled Apart by Horses who were playing at the Bodega in Nottingham. To say I was excited was a bit of an understatement! I WAS THIS EXCITED!!!

If you are not familiar with PABH this is what they sound like...

Needless to say they were amazing and I really enjoyed the set, the upstairs room in the Bodega is not massive but the crowd managed to get an impressive pit going.

BUT in my opinion the show stealer's that night were the second support God Damn...who just blew me away, their sound is so spot on for me...and they are my new favourite drawing accompaniment. Check them out...

Monday, 18 August 2014

'Bird Skull'

So on Sunday I started a new print, I was really hungover after an all day session in Sheffield but for some reason I always seem to be in a creative mindset when hungover...go figure. I love drawing skulls and so wanted a little project which I knew I'd be able to complete in a day (unlike this beauty which is taking FOREVER....)

I drew this on a grey cheap watercolour paper using the Staedtler Pigment Liner in 0.1, at first I was concerned that the paper would be too absorbent but I liked the way this turned out and feel that the grey lends itself well to the vintage feel. Basically expect a lot more illustrations on this paper in the future...

Anyway, I am pretty pleased with my bird's what I was listening to when I was drawing it....give your ear drums a treat...
A x

Monday, 11 August 2014

_amandainateacup_ on Instagram

Monday, 4 August 2014

I've been a busy bee (literally) over the past few weeks......

Here are some of my latest illustrations...

I'm inspired by a lot of nautical imagery at the moment....
I love drawing Victorian style hand illustrations...

Tramlines/ Pink hair don't care.....

I went to Tramlines at the end of July in Sheffield, Tramlines is a music festival which is so much fun. I saw some amazing bands, hung out with some amazing people...drank in the sunshine oh and I had PINK HAIR!!!!!!!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Currently coveting...

Dream Wardrobe

Dream Wardrobe by amandainateacup 

I'd love any of these beautiful things...

Inspiration ...

I've yet again been a bit of a sporadic blogger lately, it seems that I can either draw or blog...I'm trying to work on the balance...bear with me. 

I have been completely inspired lately by a lot of macabre and tattoo inspired artwork, it is definitely fast becoming my favourite thing to draw. Here's a bit of a peek of what I've been doing lately ...

I've been drawing using ceramic pens onto glass jamjars

Love me knot

Rose Quartz

Amanda x

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Latest illustrations...

I've been trying to draw everyday in the hope of building up enough stock and courage to be able to start selling my is a little taste of what I've been drawing over the past few days and weeks...

I'm really enjoying the direction my illustration is going, it's something I genuinely love to do. 
A x

So this happened....I've only been bloomin nominated for something...Whoop!


Well my Wednesday got a little boost after being nominated for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award...and as a newbie I was doubly chuffed. I was nominated by the always Frugally Fabulous Emma over at Frugally Peachy, thanks doll! 

Ok so the rules for this are:
1. Share the bog link love for your nominee
2. Nominate some of the blogs that inspire you , link them in your post and let em know
3. Write 7 facts about yourself
4. Display the nomination badge on your blog and within your post...

Ok so 7 facts about me eh...

  • I get excited around famous art not visit galleries with me, you have been warned
  • I'm a northerner at spiritual home is Sheffield
  • I have an addictive latest addiction is avocados, luckily for me the addictions tend not to be of the rock n roll style and they also seem to change A LOT #fickle
  • I once touched Dave Grohl, not in the manner I would have liked though...Haha! BOOM!
  • I have a phobia of mannequins, people in mascot costumes and those people who pretend to be statues! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT???
  • I love a bargain and a rummage through a charity shop
  • I have in my opinion amazingly awesome and yet to the majority of people I know shocking taste in films...apparently I need some education in this area haha... 

Ok so I would like to nominate the following people...

Sarah over at Seriously Shallow

Sonia over at Layoutlines 

Sally over at Rainydayfaces 

I enjoyed writing this post, hopefully it'll get me back into the swing of posting regularly! Thanks again Emma for the nomination!

Amanda x

Currently listening to...

Ok I'm not going to lie I either like my music incredibly heavy and ear splitting or chilled...with the odd curve ball in-between. What I listen to will largely depend on what I'm currently drawing, but what I have been listening to a lot lately regardless of my art direction is the new-ish Beck album 'Morning Phase', it's a good chilled out early Sunday morning album. 

I'd definitely recommend you give it a fact I'm currently listening to it right now, well right now when I wrote this...who knows what I'm listening to RIGHT NOW...

Haha! ANYWAY...

Have a listen and let me know what you think....oh and feel free to let me know what you're listening to RIGHT NOW...
Amanda x 

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Time to re-group

Apologies for a bit of a hiatus on the blog, this year's not being very kind so far BUT to spin it everything has to fall apart to fall back together right? Here's hoping anyway...

At least all this bleakness is inspiring me to draw lots and a reflective mood I put together a little video of some of the illustrations I've done over the past 8 months. You can find it on my Facebook page here

This skull is one of my favourite illustrations so far...

Amanda x

Saturday, 5 April 2014

TAG: Spring Beauty 2014

I'm pretty excited to be tagged into my first ever Tag Post by the absolutely gorgeous Sarah from Seriously Shallow ! So here goes...

1. Do you change your make-up when spring arrives? If so, how? 
Having just completely revamped my base and make-up bag I won't be making that many changes this season...however I do tend to wear a lot more nude shimmery eye shadows in the spring. My favourites currently are from the Sleek I-Divine au naturel palette, I have been layering either Nubuck or Moss over Nougat and finishing with Taupe for a bit of shimmer. 

2. What's your favourite spring fragrance?  
I'm pretty loyal to my fragrances, currently though I am loving and hopefully not overwhelmingly spritzing myself with Vera Wang Lovestruck...someone even complimented me on it the other day...WIN 

3. What are your top 3 spring nail polishes? 
Ok I'm not going to lie to you, my fingernails have no seasonal awareness, I am not a fan of pastel nails; for some reason it reminds me of Tippex...there I said it CONTROVERSIAL...I like to wear dark colours on my nails, three of my faves are all by Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paints - I love Blood Orange, Passion Fruit and Pomegranate.

4. What's going to be your favourite spring accessory?
I am loving wearing LOADS of rings at the moment, I'm lucky that my mum gave me some amazing vintage rings which I wear all the time...but I am also lusting over Topshop's selection of midi rings, particularly these star sign ones...

5. Do you prefer pumps or sandals in spring?
Er...I pretty much just wear boots all year.....I LOOOOOVE BOOTS... this spring I have been digging socks and ankle boots, that counts as spring like right? Primark have loads of cute little socks for £1.50 so I've been stocking up. 

I've also been mahoosively digging flatforms and ankle socks, which you may have seen on my Instagram...

So basically to answer this question...I pretty much wear ankle socks ALL THE TIME!

6. What's your favourite spring jacket?
Again, I'm clearly not a spring chick...I see spring as a chance for me to get my leather jackets out...I love them and the slightly warmer weather means I can layer them up... 

7. What's your favourite flower?
I am currently a bit obsessed with finding purple and white tulips...

Well there you have it, my first tag post. LOVED IT...even if it made me realise that I'm not a delicate spring lady...haha who am I kidding I'm rock and roll to the core baby...

I tag the following hot babes to complete this.... Emma from Frugally Peachy and Kelly from To Become Mum.

A x

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Review: Schwarzkopf Beach Matt Salt Spray

I am always looking for a product which will speed up my hairstyling process, I have been a fan of salt sprays in the past and was looking for a new one to try, this was on offer in Superdrug for £3 so I decided to give it a go. 

For those of you unfamiliar with Salt Spray it's a product which mimics the effect of salt water in your hair, you know that slightly matt tousled effect you get when you've been swimming in the sea...

This one promised me a MERMAID LOOK...ambitious in my shoulder length hair but who doesn't want to be a mermaid right?? 

It's really easy to use, you spray (quite a lot in , if I'm honest to get any real texture) and then either let it dry naturally or speed it up with the hair dryer. I like to twist my hair and blow dry each twist in a downward direction. 

It smells fresh too, it reminds me very much of Impulse O2 body spray (so anyone familiar with the girls changing rooms after PE at Toot Hill School circa 1998 will know what I mean) and for anyone who didn't go to school with has citrus undertones. 

Here's a pic to jog your memory...I'm telling you my 90s obsession IS OUT OF CONTROL!


I was pretty pleased with the result and for £3 you can't go wrong really, always worth having this product in your arsenal for a lazy hair day...this is what I looked like, not really mermaid like and Eric never turned up...but definitely gave me a nice texture. 

Why not give it a try and tweet me what you thought at @amandainateacup, I'm also on Facebook so come say hi here

A x

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Twinings Green Tea Blend Review

So...given the name of my blog, it'll come as no surprise that I drink A LOT of a HECK of a lot of tea. With that knowledge it's a bit of a surprise that it's taken so long for me to review/talk about some tea...but fear not as that's what I'm going to be doing RIGHT NOW....

I bought this tea out of necessity after a rather first world problem where I couldn't find Tetley's Best of Both tea anywhere and needed something as a replacement. Best of Both is a blend of green and black tea just so you know...


I bought this...

I know what you're thinking WOAH! Green AND Black complete weirdo why would you want to drink that?? Well, what's great about it is that along with the black tea you are getting all the health benefits of green tea without noticing it or having to drink it on it's own which can be pretty intense. Green tea is also meant to be healthier than black tea because it is less processed and has not been allowed to ferment so as a result the green tea retains more of the antioxidants. There's loads of good information on the Internet about the health benefits so I won't list them all here but two which caught my eye were to maintain weight/metabolism and apparently green tea can help reduce wrinkles. 

I'll admit it does taste of green tea but it's not overpowering and you very quickly get used to it. You need to brew this for a good two minutes and once you put the milk in don't freak out if it is a bit paler than your regular brew.

It is quite expensive at £4 for a box of 80. I love my tea and it is my indulgence so I wasn't put of by that. If I am comparing this tea to the Tetley Best of Both then this seems to have more of a quality green tea in it, the flavour is stronger and I now definitely prefer it over the Tetley. The Tetley however is only about £3 for 80 so well worth giving it a try. 

All in all I really recommend you try this but you'll need to drink it pretty consistently to see the results. I would love to know what you think if you try it! So tweet me  @amandainateacup

A x 

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Art Friday

I've been off all week, it was a much needed rest and I've thoroughly enjoyed pottering around my little house with no schedule. I spent a lot of time catching up with friends and generally just chilling out. 

On Friday I went for a little jaunt to the Nottingham Contemporary Gallery in's well worth a visit, you can find more info here

The exhibition focused on two artists Tala Madani and Marvin Gaye Chetwynd. What was really nice is that as the gallery was pretty empty one of the curators was able to give us a lot of information about the paintings which was much appreciated. 

I enjoyed this exhibition, the painter is a feminist from Iran who now lives in Los Angeles. Her work often reflects the repression she felt as a woman living in Iran and the subject of the paintings often focused on men in vulnerable and degrading positions. Some of the pieces were not to my personal taste but there were some paintings that I really liked, unsurprisingly the ones I enjoyed gave a nod to Pop Art...the painting below 'Action Painting Room' was influenced by Jackson Pollock . (They don't have pink walls at the contemporary by the way just my dodgy photography )

It was nice to see some sculpture and I enjoyed this exhibition. A lot of the exhibits were puppet like and from what I understand provide the back drop for performance art. 

It spoke to me on an anarchic level, whether it was supposed to or not I'm not sure...I do like my art to be conceptual and bordering on the surrealist. I particularly enjoyed a series of paintings entitled 'Bat Opera'. 

It was the large TV sculpture that captured my attention...not enough to take down it's name though it seems, whoops sorry about that...

After looking around the gallery, we went to get some tea and cake at Wired Cafe Bar which is fast becoming one of my favourite places for tea in Nottingham. You get a timer for your teapot...AWESOME!

If you are ever in Nottingham, I would really recommend you check out both the Contemporary Gallery and Wired Cafe. 


Saturday, 15 March 2014

And over on Twitter...

Thursday, 13 March 2014

REVIEW- Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water

As a beauty blog and Youtube addict, I'd been hearing a lot of good things about Micellar Cleansers, particularly Bioderma. I was due a skin regime overhaul as I'd been loyally using Olay Daily Facials for the past eek 8 years or so!! CRAZY right?!

I didn't really want to splash out on the Bioderma right away as it's pretty expensive at £9.99 for 250ml; so I decided to buy the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water after hearing such positive things about it. It's currently on offer at £3.99 for 400ml and at full price is still only £5 or so, which I think is really good value. On the bottle it says there are enough for 200 uses of the product, I've not actually been counting but realistically you can probably get a months worth out of it. 


I have been using this for about a month now, I really wanted to test it out before I wrote about it and I am so impressed!. I'm probably responsible for a slight increase in sales in Nottingham due to the fact I won't shut up about it JOKES!

The water is unscented and the science part of it is basically that there are particles of oil suspended in the water which lift off your make-up. That's to paraphrase massively but you get the idea. I am really impressed with how cleansed my skin feels after using, it probably takes me about three cotton wool pads to remove all my make up and it's not that great at removing ALL my eye make up but it's really gentle on the skin and didn't sting my eyes. BIG PLUS! 

I would definitely recommend you try this product, particularly if you currently use face wipes to remove your make up because this is NEXT.LEVEL and once you've used it you won't go back to wipes.

I'd love to hear from you if you've used this and how you found it! leave me a comment below or tweet me @amandainateacup

A x

Monday, 10 March 2014

Manchester Mania...

I hadn't left Nottingham for an incredibly long I felt I was due a little break away. So with that in mind I headed on up to Manchester to kick it with the northern part of my maaaaassssiiivvveee...


It was a lot of fun and I got to spend some time drinking tea and having a reet good time meandering through the Northern Quarter. I love Manchester it is such a great city with something creative on every corner (or so it seems) and I can't believe this was my first visit this year! My favourite cafe Home Sweet Home on Edge Street was busy so we had some food in Terrace Bar on Thomas Street instead. It's really cool, unsurprisingly; with an industrial feel to the interior with a lot of exposed brick work. They also had craft beer box condiment holders which I thought was pretty neat...

I had the club sandwich- tasted awesome and I would recommend it...loved the tin tray!

Now it probably isn't a surprise that I have to have a cup of tea in every place I eat, and I am a sucker for any kind of tea gimmick. I loved, loved, loved the little milk bottle that came with my brew. 

We also went into a great little shop which annoyingly I completely forgot to make a note of the name of; which is really useful for you, sorry about that...

BUT it did sell some ridiculously cool stuff including this POLAROID TOILET ROLL HOLDER!!!! I know right! AMAZING!! and these brutally honest F BOMB office stationary stamps. 

As part of my Manchester escapade I attended Box Social at the Klondyke Club in Levenshulme. It was without a doubt one of the most interesting venues I'd been to in a while, think Phoenix Nights meets Big Break and you pretty much have it. The night was put on by a mate and there were quite a few bands playing- my favourite being Barberos  , who are a mind blowing electronic band which to be honest I can't quite describe...they are not for the faint hearted but I BLOOMIN LOVED EM! There was also an inflatable dinosaur being thrown around the crowd at one point which was BRILLIANT! 

I was helping my mate sell a few records and ended up being a bit of a 'merch girl'...I ended up doing a bit of a doodle during a lull... as you do!

All in all it was a great weekend and just what I needed! 
A x