Saturday, 4 October 2014


As you might have seen I did not blog for the whole of September and this was due to my work life (I don't yet work in a creative role full time) becoming very very busy and stressful. I find as an illustrator that I can usually maintain a generally constant state of being creative until I get run down or mega stressed...then it becomes a case of me feeling like WHAT! I'VE FORGOTTEN HOW TO DRAW, WHY ARE MY HANDS NOT WORKING, I'M SHIT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH... 

You get the idea...

Anyway that's what happened in September...and it took until I was ill this week with a really bad cold for me to realise just how burnt out I was with everything and how off track I had gotten with my illustration. SO I was mega pleased when I stumbled across Inktober!!! 

Inktober is a challenge where you have to complete an inked drawing every day for the month of October, it's a good way of being disciplined and getting into good habits of regular drawing. It was exactly what I was looking for and needed!! 

I will be posting my illustrations on my Instagram and Facebook are my drawings for days 1, 2 and 3...

Amanda x